WristCheck v1.5 Release Notes

WristCheck v1.5 Release Notes
WristCheck v1.5 Release Notes # Opps - I seem to have skipped writing up notes when I released WristCheck v1.4! (and for the last couple of Air Fryr releases…) I’ll add a quick summary at the end! But onto the details - WristCheck 1.5 is a fairly big update to the user interface of the main watchbox view. I’ve made search more prominent, given a use the ability to re-order the watch display, included images on the main page (so that you can find the watch you’re looking for visually) and made it easier to jump between the various watch box views (i.
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Air Fryr

Air Fryr
Air Fryr - An Air Fryer Companion app # With energy bills going through the roof, the world seems to have gone air fryer mad over the last year or so. I had an old one that was only ever used for making chips (aka French fries for any readers on the other side of the Atlantic!), but I recently had a bunch of cashback pending from Quidco (if you’re in the UK and don’t already use Quidco you should give them a look), so decided to treat myself to an absolute beast of an Air Fryer.
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New App: MP Checklist

New App: MP Checklist
A helper app for Metroid Prime… # Ok, so I realise this post quickly became an essay - if you want to read some background please read on, but if you just want to know about the app, please feel free to skip to the end. Returning to Tallon VI # From 2002 until early 2017 if anyone asked me what my favourite game of all time was (and I know that’s a school playground question…) without hesitation I’d have answered Metroid Prime.
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WristCheck v1.3 Release Notes

WristCheck v1.3 Release Notes
WristCheck v1.3 Release Notes # Version 1.3 of WristCheck is now available to the app beta testers, so will be released over the next couple of days (as I write this I’ve already got confirmation that Apple have approved it, so it’s just a case of hitting the button!) As before I thought I’d share a post with a bit more information on what’s changed, expanding a bit on the bullet points you’ll see in the app or on the store listings.
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Wristcheck 101: A guide for new users

Wristcheck 101: A guide for new users
WristCheck 101: Getting started with WristCheck # WristCheck has been out in the wild for a little over a month now, and as I’ve mentioned before I’ve got plans to continually add more functionality to the app and keep it supported for a good while (free time permitting of course!) Now I’d not claim to be the worlds best developer, nor am I a professional UX designer - I’ve just built an app to the best of my abilities that performs some functions that I want access to (and on the way added some things based on user feedback) - so the app has a few bugs and might not be as straight-forward to navigate as I think it is…
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Wristcheck v1.2

Wristcheck v1.2
WristCheck v1.2 is live! # So, fairly hot on the heels of my last post, there’s another update to WristCheck landing in the app stores imminently (as I write it’s already live on Android, and should hit iOS early next week). So, what’s new this time? Ads! # Yep, I originally said these would be in v1.1, but I wanted to make sure backup/restore and notifications could be properly tested, so I pushed out v1.
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Wristcheck v1.1 Preview

Wristcheck v1.1 Preview
WristCheck v1.1 Preview # If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late. - Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn founder I love the above quote, and when I hit release on WristCheck v1.0 I was acutely aware that this app was not finished! I’ve got a whole bunch of additional features I’m planning to add, but initially I’ve set my sights on a small number that will make up v1.
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Wristcheck App

Wristcheck App
WristCheck App # Version 1.0.0 is live! # I’m pleased to announce that I’ve just released my first fully released app on both Android and iOS! (If you’re browsing around you may see I have previously posted about the ReboundMTB app, however this was never fully released!). What is WristCheck? # WristCheck is a digital watch box, so if you’re both a) a watch collector, and b) a nerd, then this post might interest you!
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Rebound MTB App

Rebound MTB App
The Rebound MTB App # Part 1: The beta release # For the past forever I’ve been studying with the Open University, working towards a Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering and after all that time the end is in sight!. To complete the degree I have to undertake a significant project, so I’ve teamed up with the guys at Rebound to build a mobile application to support them. Rebound is a registered charity, which aims to “develop the local community through sport” - with a primary focus on mountain biking.
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7 Things to Do While Your Electric Car Charges

7 Things to Do While Your Electric Car Charges
7 Things to do while your electric car charges # So after writing a bit about how long an electric car takes to charge, I thought I’d write a short post about things to do to whilst your car charges - believe it or not this is something I Googled while I was first investigating EV ownership! 1. Write a blog post # There’s something quite therapeutic about writing, even when you’re not very good at it…
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How Long Does an EV Take to Charge

How Long Does an EV Take to Charge
How long does an electric car take to charge? # After “How far does it go?”, the next most common question I’ve heard since buying an electric car is “How long does it take to charge?”. I think a lot of people find the answer surprising, I certainly did when I started investigating purchasing a hybrid and quickly found myself drawn towards the mysterious world of EV ownership. The answer though is “it depends…”, quickly followed by “and that’s not really the right question anyway…”
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