Breaking Even

Breaking Even
Breaking Even… # Right, while I’m in the blogging mood, here’s another post that really is long overdue! Back in March (wow!) I wrote a quick update on how much income I’d made via advertising on WristCheck and via ads on the website and promised further updates. Since then a few major things have happened - firstly, I released two additional apps (technically I released MP Checklist just before that post…) and secondly I finally got around to adding an in-app payment option to allow users to pay what they wanted to turn the ads off forever (and again, I definitely need to write a little about how and why I implemented that!
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The Millionaire Life

The Millionaire Life
Users and Earnings # So, back in September I both implemented ads on the site and released my first proper app (although I didn’t put Ads into WristCheck until v1.2 about a month later). This was all a fun experiment to see if I could make this wee hobby break even… want to hear how it’s going? A summary of costs # Let’s start off with what it costs to put things together.
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Addings Ads

Addings Ads
Adding Ads… and stuff… # Yep, I’ve done it…sorry. I’ve gone ahead and added some hideous advertising all across the site…but why? Good question, and I’m not sure I have a good answer… It’s not really to make money, as the volume of readers of this site are tiny. It’s a site I’ve built far more for myself than for anyone else, but hey, if you’ve found you’re way here thanks for visiting (and if you’ve enjoyed your time here, even better!
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