We’re over halfway through 2024, and as I type this I haven’t updated the site at all this year… which is madness, as I’ve got lots to share!

I may go back and backdate some posts, with some updates on the apps and a long overdue earning update, but first…

Rebuilding the site Link to heading

I recently got a new Macbook, which has absolutely supercharged my development - seriously, the jump from an underpowered Intel based machine to the latest Apple Silicon is like stepping into the future! - therefore I needed to migrate the repos and setup of all my projects across to be primarily based on this new machine.

This posed a challenge with the site as there seem to have been some updates to Hugo that left some elements of the site misbehaving, but sorting it out also felt like a good chance to switch up the template too - so here we are!

The content is the same (and hopefully all working!) but I’ve updated to a new theme file which allows me to change the layout up a bit. The site now has a profile landing page, where I can link out to my Google and Apple app profiles, and I took the time to add a small portfolio section to quickly highlight the apps - with the power of this new Mac I’m keen to get some more updates out for them and potentially get some new apps spun up…

Whilst getting it together I also turned off all Ads - it was a fun experiment, but they didn’t bring in much money at all (nobody reads this!) and they made the site ugly.

I’m starting to earn a bit of pocket money from the apps (don’t get me wrong, arguably I still make a loss!) but its enough to cover my Apple bill and the cost of the domains I’ve registered, so it’s nice to have the website back to just somewhere I can use to dump my thoughts.

Anyway - let’s get this posted and then I’ll think about writing some of those other posts I’ve been putting off…