WristCheck App Link to heading
Version 1.0.0 is live! Link to heading
I’m pleased to announce that I’ve just released my first fully released app on both Android and iOS! (If you’re browsing around you may see I have previously posted about the ReboundMTB app, however this was never fully released!).
What is WristCheck? Link to heading
WristCheck is a digital watch box, so if you’re both a) a watch collector, and b) a nerd, then this post might interest you!
WristCheck allows you to track details of watches in your collection, and when you’re wearing them.
Got a big collection and not sure what to wear today? WristCheck can help with that too, by suggesting a random watch to wear!
Always on the lookout for your next watch? Why not build a wish list, to keep the details in one place!
By far my favourite feature of WristCheck though…
The Graphs Link to heading
I told you this was an app for nerds
This is why I built WristCheck - I’ve been wearing a range of watches and want to know what I’m wearing most. I want to quickly be able to see if any of my collection are being neglected, perhaps identify pieces that would be better moved on to a more loving home (to make way for the next purchase…)
Service Schedule Link to heading
One last feature that’s included in the first release, is the ability to generate a service schedule for your collection.
Time to get these booked…
Mechanical watches need to be serviced every few years to keep them running at their best, and some manufacturers will extend warranties if serviced in line with their guidelines, so why not have a simple place to track them!
But my collection is huge Link to heading
I decided to build this app myself as I couldn’t find something available on Android that would do it for me, and whilst working on it I asked for feedback from the helpful folks on the Christopher Ward Forum (a fantastic group of watch nerds!), and a complaint I heard was that people had stopped using other apps of this type because once a collection got large they became awkward to use, with lots of scrolling through long lists.
To hopefully mitigate that issue I’ve added a couple of additional options into the app. Firstly, if you’ve got a smaller group of watches that you wear most often, you can quickly mark them as a favourite, and filter the list to only show these watches.
Secondly, if you just really want to find watch 300 in your collection quickly… then just search for it!
Filter your collection quickly with real-time search!
With real-time search you can very quickly filter your collection down to the watch you want, no matter how large your collection!
What next? Link to heading
I’m really proud of what I’ve managed to put together for WristCheck v1.0.0, but I’m not done yet - I’ve got additional enhancements already on the way and intent to continue to build on these foundations for some time to come - I’ll expand on this in future posts!
So what do you think? If you’ve found this page and want to download WristCheck on your phone you can find it at the below app store links.
Already using WristCheck? Let me know what you think in the comments or by leaving a review on your app store of choice!